We will NOT reopen in July

Due to the increasing cases in Victoria, your Committee is concerned about our players if Face to Face bridge is resumed and has decided to postpone the club reopening to a more appropriate time later on.

We will continue running online sessions on BBO on Monday morning, Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please find the details in our session time table.

Responses to the Re-opening Survey

We have asked our members and regular visitors for their input on re-opening to Face-to-Face bridge about a month ago, with the intention to find a balance between safety and pleasure under the current circumstances. Some of the metropolitan clubs are still running the survey, but the one for Sydney Bridge Centre is now closed.

All responses can be viewed from this full report. Here is a summary:

  1. Most of our members miss their bridge games at the club (phew~ ). Overall about 80% of the membership is playing online, but about half of them don’t plan to continue playing online after the club reopens.
  2. Almost everyone considers the following measures are compulsory: Turn players away when they have any cold-like symptoms and full contact details. Many would also like to have temperature check upon entry and download the CovidSafe app.
  3. There is a long list of additional safety measures that will affect the session settings. Most members prioritise hand sanitisers and tongs for refreshment. Many would like to see limited number of people in toilets and cashless payment. Very few support the idea of larger table and shorter sessions.
  4. It’s roughly equal votes from players on the question when / how the club reopens. Those who would like to return to normal sessions and those who like the idea of progressive re-opening equally share the majority.

Your Committee has been busy discussing and preparing for the club re-opening in mid-July, we will keep you updated. In the meantime, please continue to support our online sessions on BBO.

21_How would you like your club to be re-opened_
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RED Masterpoints BBO session on Queen’s Birthday Monday 8 June (public holiday)

We are going to have our first RED masterpoint BBO event next Monday morning 8 June, 10.15am start.  The entry fee will remain the same at BB$3 acknowledging all your support.  Come and join us for a game on the public holiday.

Date: Monday 8 June 2020

Time: 10.15am start

Venue: BBO / Featured Areas / Virtual Clubs / ABF-Australia

Host: vABF2006

Tournament Title: Sydney Bridge Centre RED MPs Pairs [click here to sign up for the Tourney Include List – only if this is your first time playing in the SBC tourneys]

Entry Fee: BB$3 per person (pay on the day when you enter, you will have the option to pay for your partner) [click here to purchase BB$]

RED masterpoints will be awarded.  To receive your masterpoints awards you need to submit your details (real name, BBO username and ABF number) to the ABF.  [To submit your details for masterpoint purposes]

On our website you can view our timetable for regular BBO sessions.

If you need help to get started on BBO, book an Introduction to BBO training session with us.  Don’t let any technical issues stop you from enjoying the fun of playing bridge!